Frequently Asked Questions
Getting There
All you need to know about getting to and from the conference venue
How do I get to the conference venue?
Flinders University's City Campus is located just to the east of the Adelaide Railway Station on North Terrace. It's the big blue skyscraper with the Flinders logo on it. Access to our campus is via Station Lane, which is the laneway between our campus and the Adelaide Railway Station.

Walk to the second (northern) entrance of the building. The City Campus entrance has our logo above it.

Take the escalators up to Level 1 and approach one of our Ambassadors. They will let you up to Level 14 where the conference is held.
When should I arrive?
The conference program has each day's start time. Flinders staff will be on site at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Entering and Leaving
The Conference is held on Level 14 of our City Campus, which is not a public access area.
There will be Conference Ambassadors waiting in the Level 1 lift lobby. Just approach one of the Ambassadors and they will assist you in getting up to Level 14.
You do not need any access to leave the Conference venue. Simply take a lift down to Level 1.
Don't forget to take your conference name badge with you when you exit. That will help our Ambassadors identify you as a conference delegate.
What if I can't find an Ambassador?
Please call the Command Centre.
What is the Command Centre?
The Command Centre is a table located in the reception area and staffed by Ambassadors throughout the conference. If you have any issues at all please visit the Command Centre. Alternatively you can call the Command Centre on 0481 821 584.
Where do I register?
Take the lift to Level 14. Exit the lift, turn right and walk directly into the reception area. There you will see a registration desk where you can register and receive your conference name tag.
Is there a map of the venue?
Why yes! Yes there is! Here you go.

- Registration is in the reception area adjacent to the lift lobby.
- The room for the Plenary sessions and Stream A of the Concurrent Sessions is Room 1407
- The room for Stream B of the Concurrent Sessions is Room 1426A
- The room for Stream C of the Concurrent Sessions is Room 1426B
- Morning Tea and lunch will be provided in the 'Mba Lounge' which is designated as rooms 1423 and 1425 on the map.
You can access a dynamic map here.
How do I enter rooms 1426A and 1426B?
Entrance is via the south-western side of the Mba Lounge
Conference Program and Materials
All you need to know about the conference presentations
Where do I find the abstracts?
- You can access all the abstracts here. Abstracts are indexed according to session number.
- You can also access each session's abstract by clicking on the session title in the program.
Who are the Plenary speakers?
We hare honoured to have Gabrielle Canny, CEO of the Legal Services Commission of SA, and the Hon Kyam Maher MLC, Attorney-General of South Australia, as our Plenary speakers. You can find out more about Gabrielle here and about Kaym here.
Where is the Conference program?
Why it's right on this website here!
You can also view each day separately by choosing the day on the left-hand menu if you like a little less clutter.

Will printed copies of the program and the conference materials be made available?
No. We have made a conscious effort to minimise paper usage for this Conference, for both sustainability and efficiency reasons. All conference material and information is available on this conference website online.
What if I want to print conference materials?
We are not providing printing facilities at the Conference. If you wish to print Conference material you should do so before you arrive.
To print materials you should navigate to each page you wish to print and print it from your browser's print menu.
Can I access the Conference materials on my phone or tablet?
Yes. Use the same website address ( on your phone and the website will adjust automatically to your phone or table's screen size.
How long is each presentation?
The total duration of each presentation is 25 minutes. This includes set-up time, introduction by the chair and time for questions.
Some panel sessions are scheduled over two slots, and so will run for 50 minutes in total. This also includes set-up, introductin and time for questions.
Time limits will be strictly enforced to ensure a smooth and punctual conference.
What is the 'What did You Learn' button?
We are using 'Padlets' to collect questions and feedback on Conference presentations. Padlets are an online real-time way to provide feedback anonymously.
If you have a question during a presentation or you would just like to leave some feedback then please click on
the button in the program for the presentation you are attending.
All feedback is anonymous. You'll also be able to see other attendees' feedback.
If you are presenting at the conference, you may elect to take questions via the feedback Padlet as well as, or instead of, questions from the floor.

What is the 'Conference Padlet' button?
You will see a 'Conference Padlet' button at the top of each day's program. This button takes you to the Padlet site where you can browse feedback received for each Conference session.
Gala Dinner
All you need to know about the Gala Dinner held on 4 July 2024.
Where is the Gala Dinner Held?
The Gala Dinner will be held at the Stamford Plaza in the Boulevard Room at 6:30pm on 4 July 2024. More information about the Gala Dinner is available here.

Registrations for the Gala Dinner closed on 20 June 2024. If you did not register for the dinner you will not be able to attend. Please call the Command Centre
What's the dress code?
There is no dress code specified for the Gala Dinner.
How do I get there?
The Stamford Plaza is across the road from our City Campus.
- Exit the City Campus and head south (ie: turn left) along Station Lane towards North Terrace
- Cross the road at the pedestrian lights.
- Turn left and head east. The Stamford Plaza is a short walk away.

In case of emergency
During the conference call the Command centre on 0481 821 584.
Campus security is available 24/7 on 8201 2880
Dial triple zero (000) for emergency services (fire/ambulance/police)