Instructions for Presenters
Before your Concurrent Session
- Please arrive 5 - 10 minutes before your Concurrent Session.
- Make yourself known to the Chair (Names of Chairs are on the Program)
- Check your presentation is correct
Presentation Format
Each presentation is limited to 20 minutes plus five minutes for questions. The 20 minutes include setup, introduction by the chair and the presentation proper.
Time limits will be strictly enforced.
Chairs will hold up five-minute, two-minute and one-minute warning cards for presenters.
Chairs will introduce presenters using their name and role as specified in each presentation’s abstract. Chairs will not include presenter biographies in their introductions.
Panel sessions will run for 50 minutes.
What did you learn button
Each presentation is accompanied by a What did you learn? button in the conference program. These buttons provide a way for delegates to ask questions and provide feedback during your presentation.
As part of their introduction chairs will make attendees aware of the What did you learn? buttons and will take questions from the buttons as well as from the floor.
Presentation Setup
Chairs will upload your presentation deck for you as part of the presentation setup process. Chairs assume that your presentation materials will be sent in advance as per the instructions sent to presenters. Late or last-minute decks will be presented but the time taken to set them up will eat into the 20 minutes presentation time.
At the completion of setup the chair will pass the presentation laptop or a clicker to you.
Remember, your 20 minutes includes this setup time.
Time Management
The Chair will sit in the front row during yoour presentation and will hold 10-minute, 5-minute, 2-minute and 'time's up', cards during your presentation.
Questions or issues with presentations
Please contact the Command Centre