Instructions for Chairs
Chair Resources
- Conference QR Code Slide. This presentation should be displayed at the start of each Concurrent Session.
- Presentation Slides. Organised by Concurrent Session and Stream.
- Access to resouces is limited to Flinders University staff only.
- Presentation slides are available read-only.
- All slides and the Presentation Slides folder will launch in a browser.
- You will need to authenticate before you can access the resources
- All slides can be presented over the PowerPoint web interface they open up in (no need to run PowerPoint)
- Some presenters have submitted links to Canva. Clicking on these will open up Canva automatically.
Before the Concurrent Session
- Arrive at the breakout room for your session 10 minutes before your Concurrent Session (CS) is due to start
- Ensure PPTs are loaded for your CS:
- All PPTs are in this share.
- Go to the Folder for your CS and Stream (eg: 'Concurrent Session 1 Stream A')
- The PPTs should be there in presentation order.
- Each PPT is named with the session number and the presenter's name eg: 1.C1 Dara Dimitrov.
- Double-click on presentation. That will launch PowerPoint (web version) or Canva (depending on what presenter has chosen).
- Launch the Conference QR Code Slide.
- Keep the QR slide open in presentation mode. This directs attendees to the program and also prevents the screen saver from kicking in and locking the screen.
- You may need to sign in with your FAN on the presentation laptop. Signing in can take up to 5 minutes.
- Once you have signed in open up a web browser and navigate to and then to Program and Conference Material --> Instructions for Chairs.
- Then click on the share above to access the slides
- Make sure you have your time cards (see below)
- See this page for instructions on how to use the in-room AV tech.
- Greet session speakers and check how to pronounce their names.
- Speakers should speak in the order listed on the program – please do not change order.
- Each speaker has 20 mins for the presentation and 5 mins for questions. Do not allow speakers to go overtime.
Some Concurrent Sessions have vacant slots due to last-minute withdrawals by presenters. If you are chairing one of these CS you may allow speakers more than 20 minutes provided the entire CS does not finish late.
- Inform speakers that bios will not form part of Introduction. Speakers may bio themselves but that comes out of their 20 minute allocation.
- Inform speakers of time cards.
If you need tech support please contact Conference Command Centre on 0481 821 584.
- Introduce speaker(s) using name and institution data from their abstract.
- Include the following in introduction:
- Make audience aware of 'What did you learn?' padlets (via QR code).
- No break between presenters.
- Audience members may move between rooms during the CS but must do so as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.
- When speaking (chair & presenters) please use a microphone to ensure everyone can hear (including those with hearing impairments).
Keeping Time
- Use the time cards: 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, Time's up – then 5 mins for questions.
- Moderate questions. Encourage short questions rather than lengthy comments.
- Direct people to QR code to access padlets.
At end of Session
- Re-open the Program QR Code deck.
- Encourage attendees to complete ‘What did you learn’ on conference app to share insights and crystalise learning.
make sure you finish on time